Technology and business
technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven. I don't think anybody can talk meaningfully about one without the talking about the other
Arthur C. Clarke
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Defect-free software does not exist.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Harsha's Binary converter
This software is developed by me with the idea of converting Decimal Numbers to binary and binary to Decimal.......After that i thought if i can convert them in to any base number such as binary,octal,hexadecimal, it will be a huge effort grant by me.. so i get involved to develop this software.. Finally my effort was success..
The idea was taken to my head while i was in CS lecture.. Because on these days we are following number systems at USJP
software developed using C#

Click here to Download my Software
Hope to develop this software to do addition multiplication and division
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
512kb/s line 3.1Mb/s Download Speed.
512kb/s line 3.1Mb/s Download Speed.
SPEED UP TORRENTS ,From 512kb/s line
3.1Mb/s Download Speed.
First of all you need to download cheat engine 5.6 DOWNLOAD CHEAT ENGINE Software
Now install the software, Then start to download torrent. now you have to follow simple instructions...
1.) open cheat engine software you will display above likely .then you can view processes which your system access now by just clicking on the state that i mark above picture. Then open the tool which your system access, it might be utorrent or bittorrent you must choose which is curruntly in operation.
2.) Now you can see likely as following it and choose enable speedhack
2.) Now you can see likely as following it and choose enable speedhack
Select 0.5 as your hack speed on following slide bar as define as 1st method in following pic you may suit other values as well...:)
p.s- Remember to minimize your cheat engine while you using speed hack
You will gain speed while you reducing hack speed value, such as 0.3, 0.2, 0.01......... Then you can gain maximum download speed while reducing those values.
* N .B:-Your router will ruin if you do these things rapidly. So i recommend not to use this method to increase your download speed. :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Java from youtube
I found some java training video tutorials and like to share with you guys!!!! :)
This tutorial includes how to install JDK and many more
You can learn from the beginning, as it defines 91 video tutorials follow the youtube channel and expert in java
This tutorial includes how to install JDK and many more
You can learn from the beginning, as it defines 91 video tutorials follow the youtube channel and expert in java
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
DBMS Laboratory Exercise 7- week 10
Database Management Systems I
Laboratory Exercise 7- week 10
Try out the following queries and write down what each query generates
- select name from sys.databases
- use DBMSI
select * from sys.tables
- select * from sys.databases
Use DBMS1 database and answer the following questions.
- Make a list of customer names and the respective states they live in.
- Display the stock details with the corresponding manufacture’s name.
- Prepare a list of manufacturers that supply kickboards.
- Find the number of customers live in each state. Display the name of the state and the number of customers.
- Make a list of customers who have placed orders that weigh greater than 180. Display the customer’s First name along with the shipping weight.
- Who are the customers that have ordered more than 100 items?
- Find the orders which are having a total price greater than $20,000. Prepare a list containing order number, the first name of the customer who has placed the order and the total price.
- Display the First name of the customers who have ordered swimcaps.
select *
from sys.tables
select *
from sys.databases
select *
select *
from customer
select *
from state
select c.fname,c.lname,s.sname
from customer c,state s
where c.state=s.code;
select *
from stock
select *
from manufact
select s.stock_num,s.manu_code,s.description,s.unit_price,s.unit,m.manu_name
from stock s,manufact m
where s.manu_code=m.manu_code
select *
from manufact
select *
from stock
select m.manu_code,m.manu_name,s.description,s.unit_price
from manufact m,stock s
where m.manu_code=s.manu_code and s.description='kick board'
select *
from customer
select *
from state
select s.sname,COUNT(fname) as no_of_customers
from customer c,state s
where c.state=s.code
group by s.sname
select *
from customer
select *
from orders
select c.fname,o.ship_weight
from customer c,orders o
where c.customer_num=o.customer_num and o.ship_weight>180
select *
from orders
select *
from customer
select *
from items
select o.customer_num,i.order_num
from items i,customer c, orders o
where c.customer_num=o.customer_num and i.order_num=o.order_num
group by i.order_num,o.customer_num
having SUM(i.quantity)>100
select *
from orders
select *
from customer
select *
from items
select i.order_num,c.fname,sum(i.total_price) as total_price
from customer c,orders o,items i
where c.customer_num=o.customer_num and o.order_num=i.order_num
group by i.order_num,c.fname
having SUM(i.total_price)>20000
select *
from customer
select *
from orders
select *
from items
select *
from stock
select distinct c.fname,s.description
from stock s,customer c,items i,orders o
where s.stock_num=i.stock_num and i.order_num=o.order_num and o.customer_num=c.customer_num and s.description='swimcap'
Friday, September 2, 2011
download DBMS practical 6
answers for the dbms1 practical 6
create table Student(
sno varchar(30) primary key,
stName varchar(30),
address varchar(30),
phone int,
course varchar(30)
insert into Student values('ST001','Nilusha','Galle',0992333333,'IT')
insert into Student values('ST002','Shan','Colombo',0112345345,'IT')
insert into Student values('ST003','Janani','Kandy',0812222222,'IS')
select *
from Student
alter table Student
add age int
alter table Student
add last_name varchar(30)
update Student
set last_name='Perera'
where sno='ST001'
update Student
set last_name='Fernando'
where sno='ST002'
update Student
set last_name='Alwita'
where sno='ST003'
alter table Student
add constraint chk_crs check (course in ('IT','IS','CSN'))
insert into Student values ('ST004','Heshan','Colombo-03',0112789658,'BM','De Silva')
alter table Student
drop column age
update Student
set phone=0112456789
where sno='ST002'
update Student
set address='Karapitiya'
where sno='ST001'
from Student
where sno='ST003'
--Exercise 2
drop table dept
create table dept(
deptno char(3) primary key,
deptname varchar(36),
location varchar(36)
create table emp_1(
empno char(6),
firstname varchar(50),
lastname varchar(50),
workdept char(3),
phoneno int,
sex char(1),
birthdate datetime,
salary float,
constraint FK_dno foreign key(workdept)
references dept(deptno)
insert into dept values('D01','Acount','Malabe')
insert into emp_1 values('E001','Nilu','Perera','D01',011345678,'F',1987-10-12,10000)
insert into emp_1 values('E002','Saman','De Silva','D02',033226007,'F',1974-05-17,17000)
alter table emp_1
drop constraint FK_dno
insert into emp_1 values('E002','Saman','De Silva','D02',033226007,'F',1974-05-17,17000)
answers for the dbms1 practical 6
create table Student(
sno varchar(30) primary key,
stName varchar(30),
address varchar(30),
phone int,
course varchar(30)
insert into Student values('ST001','Nilusha','Galle',0992333333,'IT')
insert into Student values('ST002','Shan','Colombo',0112345345,'IT')
insert into Student values('ST003','Janani','Kandy',0812222222,'IS')
select *
from Student
alter table Student
add age int
alter table Student
add last_name varchar(30)
update Student
set last_name='Perera'
where sno='ST001'
update Student
set last_name='Fernando'
where sno='ST002'
update Student
set last_name='Alwita'
where sno='ST003'
alter table Student
add constraint chk_crs check (course in ('IT','IS','CSN'))
insert into Student values ('ST004','Heshan','Colombo-03',0112789658,'BM','De Silva')
alter table Student
drop column age
update Student
set phone=0112456789
where sno='ST002'
update Student
set address='Karapitiya'
where sno='ST001'
from Student
where sno='ST003'
--Exercise 2
drop table dept
create table dept(
deptno char(3) primary key,
deptname varchar(36),
location varchar(36)
create table emp_1(
empno char(6),
firstname varchar(50),
lastname varchar(50),
workdept char(3),
phoneno int,
sex char(1),
birthdate datetime,
salary float,
constraint FK_dno foreign key(workdept)
references dept(deptno)
insert into dept values('D01','Acount','Malabe')
insert into emp_1 values('E001','Nilu','Perera','D01',011345678,'F',1987-10-12,10000)
insert into emp_1 values('E002','Saman','De Silva','D02',033226007,'F',1974-05-17,17000)
alter table emp_1
drop constraint FK_dno
insert into emp_1 values('E002','Saman','De Silva','D02',033226007,'F',1974-05-17,17000)
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Haking FB
Hacking Facebook with Javascript
Because facebook relies so heavily on javascript, and because we can type javascript into the address bar, that means we can “poke” into the workings of facebook to do things that we wouldn’t normally be able to do. It’s not “hacking” exactly, but it employs the same sort of skills hackers use when looking into applications. The best part is that because it’s all using the same control codes (or “API”) that facebook uses, there’s no way for facebook to find out you’re doing it, so it’s totally safe! (I think…) Besides, we’re not going to be doing anything too dodgy, just a few little tweaks ;)
Facebook Hack: Sending your friends offline
Here’s a funny one; if you’re chatting to a friend, get them to paste the following code into their facebook address bar:
It’ll make them go offline! Of course it’s not permanent, they can go back online by clicking the icon as normal, or by giving the same command again
Facebook Hack: Change facebook color
Check this out:
Isn’t that cool? Just use the following code to get your profile colour changed and impress your friends!
Of course, you can use any colour you like; green, yellow,orange, black. It’s also fun to change it to “white” so you can’t see the text. Muahahaha. Again, only you can see it, but it does last until you log out or view certain special pages.
Facebook Hack: Get Chat History Even When Friends Aren’t Online
New: Video Tutorial for this hack.
Here’s a facebook hack that’s actually proven very useful to me in the past. One thing that I find annoying about facebook is that you can’t retrieve chat history if your buddy is offline… well now you can! :)
Click onto your friend’s profile page and copy their facebook ID from the address bar; i.e. the number after “id=”, highlighted in red below:
It might look slightly different, perhaps like this:
But the important thing is to copy the number of the user, in our case 123132132213
Then while you’re still on facebook, type this into the address bar:
(with the correct ID of course)
And their chat window will pop up, saying “Harsha is offline”. And if there’s any chat history, it will be displayed. How neat is that!
You can even open a chat window to yourself by pasting your own ID into the javascript, as seen to the right. You can use it for little notes to yourself, but remember that facebook chat history is cleared every few days, so don’t rely on it.
UPDATE1: A few people have had trouble pasting it in correctly, so here’s how it should look:
UPDATE2: Now that we have facebook usernames, it can be little harder to determine the ID of a profile, but it’s still possible – here’s one way: right click the “see all” friends link and choose “copy link location”, like so:
Or in Internet Explorer, you can choose “open link in new tab”. The resulting URL will look something like this:
That’s it!
Facebook Hack: Change your name (temporarily)
This one’s a very simple hack that you can apply to any website. As you saw in the screenshot above, I’d changed my facebook to display as “Facebook | Harsha”. You can do this by using the following javascript:
javascript:void(document.title="Facebook | Gayan");
Sadly, your friends will only see your actual name, not the new one, but it can make for some amusement in a computer lab class or anywhere where you can show people face to face.
Facebook Hack: Close chat windows
If you’re chatting to a friend and want to close the window, sure you can just click the ‘x’ in the top corner, but isn’t it cooler to do it with javascript? Well no not really, but if you can trick your friend into typing the following code in, you can close the chat window of anyone they’re chatting to:
That will close my chat with “123132132213″. You can send your friends that link with your own facebook ID in it, and it’ll close their chat window with you! And if you happen to know that ID:123 is chatting with ID:321, you can send the following to ID:123, and when they paste it in it’ll close their chat with 321!
Other Facebook Hacks
The hacks above are the most impressive, but there are a few other little things you can do which are mildly interesting:
Bring up notifications:
Bring up online friends list:
Bring up application tab:
Make text bold or underlined in facebook chat: use *stars* for bold text, and _underscores_ for underlined. There is no way to get italic text on facebook; see my comment here about facebook chat italics.
That’s all the hacks I’ve found (but I know there are more). In fact, it’s possible to get your friends to “like”, or “unlike” items, and I think it would be possible to get them to comment and more, but the complexity of the javascript makes it not worth doing, plus you have to get them to paste code into their address bar – there’s no way to do it without getting them to do that.
Facebook Easter Egg: Pirate Language
Here’s a nice little facebook easter egg for you: Go to the language settings page and scroll to the bottom of the list of languages, and somewhere around there you should see “English (Pirate)” in the list of supported languages.
Choose that language option and avast ye sails fer much facebook silliness.
Facebook Easter Egg: Konami
Click in your status update box and type the following: [up] [up] [down] [down] [left] [right] [left] [right] b a [enter], and then click anywhere on the page to see lensflares:
Because facebook relies so heavily on javascript, and because we can type javascript into the address bar, that means we can “poke” into the workings of facebook to do things that we wouldn’t normally be able to do. It’s not “hacking” exactly, but it employs the same sort of skills hackers use when looking into applications. The best part is that because it’s all using the same control codes (or “API”) that facebook uses, there’s no way for facebook to find out you’re doing it, so it’s totally safe! (I think…) Besides, we’re not going to be doing anything too dodgy, just a few little tweaks ;)
Facebook Hack: Sending your friends offline
Here’s a funny one; if you’re chatting to a friend, get them to paste the following code into their facebook address bar:
It’ll make them go offline! Of course it’s not permanent, they can go back online by clicking the icon as normal, or by giving the same command again
Facebook Hack: Change facebook color
Check this out:
Isn’t that cool? Just use the following code to get your profile colour changed and impress your friends!
Of course, you can use any colour you like; green, yellow,orange, black. It’s also fun to change it to “white” so you can’t see the text. Muahahaha. Again, only you can see it, but it does last until you log out or view certain special pages.
Facebook Hack: Get Chat History Even When Friends Aren’t Online
New: Video Tutorial for this hack.
Here’s a facebook hack that’s actually proven very useful to me in the past. One thing that I find annoying about facebook is that you can’t retrieve chat history if your buddy is offline… well now you can! :)
Click onto your friend’s profile page and copy their facebook ID from the address bar; i.e. the number after “id=”, highlighted in red below:
It might look slightly different, perhaps like this:
But the important thing is to copy the number of the user, in our case 123132132213
Then while you’re still on facebook, type this into the address bar:
(with the correct ID of course)
And their chat window will pop up, saying “Harsha is offline”. And if there’s any chat history, it will be displayed. How neat is that!
You can even open a chat window to yourself by pasting your own ID into the javascript, as seen to the right. You can use it for little notes to yourself, but remember that facebook chat history is cleared every few days, so don’t rely on it.
UPDATE1: A few people have had trouble pasting it in correctly, so here’s how it should look:
UPDATE2: Now that we have facebook usernames, it can be little harder to determine the ID of a profile, but it’s still possible – here’s one way: right click the “see all” friends link and choose “copy link location”, like so:
Or in Internet Explorer, you can choose “open link in new tab”. The resulting URL will look something like this:
That’s it!
Facebook Hack: Change your name (temporarily)
This one’s a very simple hack that you can apply to any website. As you saw in the screenshot above, I’d changed my facebook to display as “Facebook | Harsha”. You can do this by using the following javascript:
javascript:void(document.title="Facebook | Gayan");
Sadly, your friends will only see your actual name, not the new one, but it can make for some amusement in a computer lab class or anywhere where you can show people face to face.
Facebook Hack: Close chat windows
If you’re chatting to a friend and want to close the window, sure you can just click the ‘x’ in the top corner, but isn’t it cooler to do it with javascript? Well no not really, but if you can trick your friend into typing the following code in, you can close the chat window of anyone they’re chatting to:
That will close my chat with “123132132213″. You can send your friends that link with your own facebook ID in it, and it’ll close their chat window with you! And if you happen to know that ID:123 is chatting with ID:321, you can send the following to ID:123, and when they paste it in it’ll close their chat with 321!
Other Facebook Hacks
The hacks above are the most impressive, but there are a few other little things you can do which are mildly interesting:
Bring up notifications:
Bring up online friends list:
Bring up application tab:
Make text bold or underlined in facebook chat: use *stars* for bold text, and _underscores_ for underlined. There is no way to get italic text on facebook; see my comment here about facebook chat italics.
That’s all the hacks I’ve found (but I know there are more). In fact, it’s possible to get your friends to “like”, or “unlike” items, and I think it would be possible to get them to comment and more, but the complexity of the javascript makes it not worth doing, plus you have to get them to paste code into their address bar – there’s no way to do it without getting them to do that.
Facebook Easter Egg: Pirate Language
Here’s a nice little facebook easter egg for you: Go to the language settings page and scroll to the bottom of the list of languages, and somewhere around there you should see “English (Pirate)” in the list of supported languages.
Choose that language option and avast ye sails fer much facebook silliness.
Facebook Easter Egg: Konami
Click in your status update box and type the following: [up] [up] [down] [down] [left] [right] [left] [right] b a [enter], and then click anywhere on the page to see lensflares:
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
CMD Hacking commands
First, open your Network Connection and right click and select Properties. Then Select TCP/IP and click on Properties again. Now Click on Advanced and WINS tab. Select Default for NeBIOS.
Now back to the main Local Area Connection window, select File and Print Sharing for Mic*ft Networks and hit enter.
This is just to make sure you have NetBIOS enabled. We will have some fun with NetBIOS on CMD.
First thing you need to know is some very helpfull commands to use on CMD(Command Prompt).
In case you don't know how to get CMD open in your box, then click on Start, then Run, then type "cmd" (no quotes, off course... you know the drill).
Back to commands:
In case you don't know some of them, then just type the command on CMD and hit enter. A little help will show up in your screen. Read it and understand what the command does.
Lets start easy...
1) ping : This command will allow you to know if the host you pinging is alive, which means if it is up at the time of executing the "ping" command.
OBS: Keep in mind that if the host you pinging is blocking ICMP packets, then the result will be host down.
2) nslookup : This command has many functionalities.
One is for resolving DNS into IP.
Lets say you know the website URL but you don't know its IP(and you want to find out).
nslookup ( is the website you want to find out the IP)
Now, another really nice function of nslookup is to find out IP of specific Mail Severs.
This command will give you the mail server IP of You can use whatever server you want and if it is listed on DNS, then you get the IP. Simple, isn't it?
OK, now why would you want to have an IP of a mail server?
To send spoofed mail to your friends or even for SE.
In case you looking for "How to spoof email", then look for my "How to spoof email tutorial"
3) tracert : This command will give you the hops that a packet will travel to reach its final destination.
OBS: This command is good to know the route a packet takes before it goes to the target box.
4) arp : This command will show you the arp table. This is good to know if someone is doing arp poisoning in your LAN.
5) route : This command will show you the routing table, gateway, interface and metric.
6) ipconfig : This command will show tons of very helpful things.
Your IP, gateway, dns in use.
this command will give all that info but for all networks you might have it.
Also, in case you have a dynamic IP and want to change it, then type...
OBS: Keep in mind that those commands will change your IP, but the new IP will still be tighed up to you. So don't do anything stupid.
7) netstat : This command will show you connection to your box.
8)nbtstat : This command will show you the netbios name of the target box.
net view x.x.x.x or computername (will list the available sharing folders on the target box)
Now some hints:
(this command will allow you to connect to the target box as administrator)
Now if you want to connect to the target box and browse the entire C drive, then use this command:
(this will create a virtual drive on your "my computer" folder)
OBS: Keep in mind that this will only works if the target box doesn't have an administrator password set.
And least but not last, the "help" command.
This command will help you to understand what it does and all the switchs available for each command.
Very useful if you know the command, but forgot the right switch.
First, open your Network Connection and right click and select Properties. Then Select TCP/IP and click on Properties again. Now Click on Advanced and WINS tab. Select Default for NeBIOS.
Now back to the main Local Area Connection window, select File and Print Sharing for Mic*ft Networks and hit enter.
This is just to make sure you have NetBIOS enabled. We will have some fun with NetBIOS on CMD.
First thing you need to know is some very helpfull commands to use on CMD(Command Prompt).
In case you don't know how to get CMD open in your box, then click on Start, then Run, then type "cmd" (no quotes, off course... you know the drill).
Back to commands:
nslookup net view net use net user ping tracert arp route nbtstat netstat ipconfig
Lets start easy...
1) ping : This command will allow you to know if the host you pinging is alive, which means if it is up at the time of executing the "ping" command.
ping x.x.x.x (x is the IP address)
ping ( is the website you want to ping, but you don't know the IP)
2) nslookup : This command has many functionalities.
One is for resolving DNS into IP.
Lets say you know the website URL but you don't know its IP(and you want to find out).
nslookup ( is the website you want to find out the IP)
Now, another really nice function of nslookup is to find out IP of specific Mail Severs.
nslookup (enter) set type=mx (enter)
OK, now why would you want to have an IP of a mail server?
To send spoofed mail to your friends or even for SE.
In case you looking for "How to spoof email", then look for my "How to spoof email tutorial"
3) tracert : This command will give you the hops that a packet will travel to reach its final destination.
OBS: This command is good to know the route a packet takes before it goes to the target box.
tracert x.x.x.x (x is the IP address)
tracert ( is the website you don't know the IP)
arp -a
route print
Your IP, gateway, dns in use.
ipconfig /all
Also, in case you have a dynamic IP and want to change it, then type...
ipconfig /release (this will release your IP) ipconfig /renew (this will renew your iP)
7) netstat : This command will show you connection to your box.
netstat -a (this will show you all the listening ports and connection with DNS names) netstat -n (this will show you all the open connection with IP addresses) netstat -an (this will combined both of the above)
nbtstat -A x.x.x.x (x is the IP address) nbtstat -a computername
Now some hints:
net use \ipaddressipc$ "" /user:administrator
Now if you want to connect to the target box and browse the entire C drive, then use this command:
net use K: \computernameC$
OBS: Keep in mind that this will only works if the target box doesn't have an administrator password set.
And least but not last, the "help" command.
whatevercommand /help
whatevercommand /?
Very useful if you know the command, but forgot the right switch.