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Technology and business

technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven. I don't think anybody can talk meaningfully about one without the talking about the other

Arthur C. Clarke

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Bill Gates is a very rich man today... and do you want to know why? The answer is one word: versions.


Defect-free software does not exist.

Technology is like a fish. The longer it stays on the shelf, the less desirable it becomes.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

DBMS Laboratory Exercise 7- week 10

Database Management Systems I

Laboratory Exercise 7- week 10


Try out the following queries and write down what each query generates
  1. select name from sys.databases
  2. use DBMSI
select * from sys.tables
  1. select * from sys.databases

Use DBMS1 database and answer the following questions.

  1. Make a list of customer names and the respective states they live in.
  2. Display the stock details with the corresponding manufacture’s name.
  3. Prepare a list of manufacturers that supply kickboards.
  4. Find the number of customers live in each state. Display the name of the state and the number of customers.
  5. Make a list of customers who have placed orders that weigh greater than 180. Display the customer’s First name along with the shipping weight.
  6. Who are the customers that have ordered more than 100 items?
  7. Find the orders which are having a total price greater than $20,000. Prepare a list containing order number, the first name of the customer who has placed the order and the total price.
  8. Display the First name of the customers who have ordered swimcaps.


select *
from sys.tables

select *
from sys.databases

select *

select *
from customer

select *
from state

select c.fname,c.lname,s.sname
from customer c,state s
where c.state=s.code;

select * 
from stock

select *
from manufact

select s.stock_num,s.manu_code,s.description,s.unit_price,s.unit,m.manu_name
from stock s,manufact m
where s.manu_code=m.manu_code

select * 
from manufact

select *
from stock

select m.manu_code,m.manu_name,s.description,s.unit_price
from manufact m,stock s
where m.manu_code=s.manu_code and s.description='kick board'

select *
from customer

select *
from state

select s.sname,COUNT(fname) as no_of_customers
from customer c,state s
where c.state=s.code
group by s.sname

select *
from customer

select *
from orders

select c.fname,o.ship_weight
from customer c,orders o
where c.customer_num=o.customer_num and o.ship_weight>180

select *
from orders

select *
from customer

select *
from items

select o.customer_num,i.order_num
from items i,customer c, orders o
where c.customer_num=o.customer_num and i.order_num=o.order_num
group by i.order_num,o.customer_num
having SUM(i.quantity)>100

select *
from orders

select *
from customer

select *
from items

select i.order_num,c.fname,sum(i.total_price) as total_price
from customer c,orders o,items i
where c.customer_num=o.customer_num and o.order_num=i.order_num
group by i.order_num,c.fname
having SUM(i.total_price)>20000

select *
from customer

select *
from orders

select *
from items

select *
from stock

select distinct c.fname,s.description
from stock s,customer c,items i,orders o
where s.stock_num=i.stock_num and i.order_num=o.order_num and o.customer_num=c.customer_num and s.description='swimcap'

Friday, September 2, 2011

download DBMS practical 6
answers for the dbms1 practical 6

create table Student(
sno varchar(30) primary key,
stName varchar(30),
address varchar(30),
phone int,
course varchar(30)

insert into Student values('ST001','Nilusha','Galle',0992333333,'IT')
insert into Student values('ST002','Shan','Colombo',0112345345,'IT')
insert into Student values('ST003','Janani','Kandy',0812222222,'IS')

select *
from Student

alter table Student
add age int

alter table Student
add last_name varchar(30)

update Student
set last_name='Perera'
where sno='ST001'

update Student
set last_name='Fernando'
where sno='ST002'

update Student
set last_name='Alwita'
where sno='ST003'

alter table Student
add constraint chk_crs  check (course in ('IT','IS','CSN'))

insert into Student values ('ST004','Heshan','Colombo-03',0112789658,'BM','De Silva')

alter table Student
drop column age


update Student
set phone=0112456789
where sno='ST002'

update Student
set address='Karapitiya'
where sno='ST001'

from Student
where sno='ST003'

--Exercise 2
drop table dept
create table dept(
deptno char(3) primary key,
deptname varchar(36),
location varchar(36)

create table emp_1(
empno char(6),
firstname varchar(50),
lastname varchar(50),
workdept char(3),
phoneno int,
sex char(1),
birthdate datetime,
salary float,
constraint FK_dno foreign key(workdept)
references dept(deptno)


insert into dept values('D01','Acount','Malabe')

insert into emp_1 values('E001','Nilu','Perera','D01',011345678,'F',1987-10-12,10000)

insert into emp_1 values('E002','Saman','De Silva','D02',033226007,'F',1974-05-17,17000)

alter table emp_1
drop constraint FK_dno

insert into emp_1 values('E002','Saman','De Silva','D02',033226007,'F',1974-05-17,17000)

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