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1. Introduction
1. Welcome to the UML
2. Object Orientation 1 Objects & Classes
3. Object Orientation 2 Relationships
4. Object Orientation 3 Polymorphism
2. Types of Diagrams An Overview
1. The 4+1 Model
2. Static & Dynamic Approaches
3. Use Case & Class Diagrams
4. Object & Package Diagrams
5. State & Activity Diagrams
6. Sequence & Communication Diagrams
7. Component & Deployment Diagrams
3. Use Case Diagrams
1. Use Case Basics
2. Modeling Use Case Elements
3. A Use Case Diagram for an ATM
4. The (left arrow)(right arrow)Dependency
5. The (left arrow)(right arrow)Dependency
6. Generalization
7. Putting It All Together
4. Class Diagrams Basic Concepts
1. Classifiers Classes & Objects
2. Attributes & Operations
3. Stereotypes
4. Associations & Multiplicity
5. Association Classes
6. Aggregation & Composition
7. Generalization
8. Realization
9. Dependency
10. Constraints & Notes
11. Finding Classes
5. Advanced Class Diagrams
1. Abstract Classes & Operations
2. Interfaces
3. Collaborations
4. Templates
6. Object Diagrams
1. Objects Instances
2. Connecting Objects
3. From Class Diagram to Object Diagram
7. Package Diagrams
1. Packages
2. Visibility
3. Relationships among Packages
4. Accessing & Importing Packages
5. Merging Packages
6. Use Case Packages
7. When to Use Package Diagrams
8. State Diagrams
1. States & Transitions
2. State Activities
3. Pseudostates Initial & Terminate
4. Pseudostates Junction & Choice
5. Composite States
6. Pseudostates Fork & Join
7. Pseudostates Entry & Exit Points
8. Pseudostates Deep & Shallow History
9. Protocol State Machines
9. Activity Diagrams
1. Activity Diagrams Basic Symbols
2. Alternative & Parallel Paths
3. Object Nodes
4. Pins
5. Subactivity Diagrams
6. Signals
7. Handling Exceptions
8. Interruptible Activity Regions
9. Expansion Regions
10. Using Swim Lanes
10. Sequence Diagrams
1. Objects, Lifelines & Messages
2. Kinds of Messages
3. Create & Destroy Messages
4. Boundary, Entity & Control Elements
5. Interaction Frames
6. Fragments Options
7. Fragments Alternatives
8. Fragments Loops
9. Fragments Parallels
10. Sequence Diagrams & Use Cases
11. Communication Diagrams
1. Objects, Links & Messages
2. Nested Messages
3. Self-Messages
4. Conditional Messages
5. Looping Messages
6. Parallel Messages
7. Sequence vs Communication Diagrams
12. Component Diagrams
1. Introducing Components
2. Components & Interfaces
3. Realizations & Dependencies
4. Component Compartments
5. Black Box & White Box Views
6. Ports & Delegation Connectors
7. Component Stereotypes
14. Deployment Diagrams
1. What a Deployment Diagram Shows
2. Nodes
3. Artifacts
4. Manifestation
5. Communication Paths
6. Deployment Specifications
15. Wrap up
1. Choosing a Modeling Tool
2. Wrap Up
16. Credits
1. About the Author
In the beginning years of application growth, the developers placed the concentrate on procedures. They had developed techniques that were worried with developing and choosing methods that were effective for calculations.
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